At this point in my live, I believe that it's love (which involves experiencing empathy and compassion) what can bring about the necessary changes in a world that is constantly in turmoil. This is by no means a new idea.
I started to practice Reiki in 1993 and this practice has brought me peace and joy. I think this has happened because when I give Reiki to myself or others, I enter into a meditative state. Somehow, Reiki changes my brainwaves. It has awakened the observer in me, has quieted my tendency to react to any stimuli that before triggered defensiveness. Because it feels good and has helped me stay healthy, I've felt motivated not only to persist in my Reiki practice but also to study other energy healing modalities and to practice meditation and mindfulness. The bonus? I have become a more compassionate individual.
I have created these pages with the purpose of sharing information about the multidimensional body and about illness and health understood from a multidimensional and holistic perspective. Holistic means that we approach the body as a whole, instead of focusing on the part. We see the interrelation between the body, the mind and the spirit.
Once we understand our multidimensionality - body, mind and spirit - and that everything is connected, our approach to health and illness will yield better results. Our existence is not limited to our physical body; if we want prevention and treatments to be truly effective, we can't ignore mental and spiritual aspects of our being.
It is also necessary to understand there is a difference between healing and curing, where curing is the mere disappearance of symptoms (what we call illness) and healing refers to a process of re-integration where we gain awareness of who we really are and who we could really come to be. Expanded awareness help us understand the real causes of what we call illness. Understanding the causes help us transform our perspective, introduce changes in our lives and truly heal.
Our awakening, that process of expanding our consciousness, requires a personal commitment that demands time, dedication and consistency and yields a great outcome: health and joy.
Silvia Casabianca