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Silvia Casabianca, Reiki Master, Holistic Counselor

Dr. Silvia Casabianca, Reiki Master/Teacher and Integrative Psychotherapist

A Professional Counselor, Dr. Silvia Casabianca is licensed in Florida as a Mental Health Counselor (MH8943). She offers traumatic incident resolution and psychodynamic psychotherapy to individuals, couples, parents, and families, in Naples, Florida.
Currently, offering counseling via Zoom. 
She is an Art Therapist and uses art as a road to the unconscious mind, as a tool for communication and as a expressive therapy that facilitate catarsis. For appointments call 239 948 9444.
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Health and illness under a different view

The path to a healthy life is a personal journey. The human body is intelligent and knows how to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. By increasing our awareness, we can start transforming the factors that trigger symptoms.
Silvia Casabianca MA, LMHC, LMT, RM, MQP
Regaining Body Wisdom

Dr. Silvia Casabianca, EdD., Reiki Master/Teacher, Board Certified Professional Counselor, and Holistic Counselor, is the author of Heartmined: Conscious Evolution from Fear to Solidarity (2020) and Regaining Body Wisdom: A multidimensional Approach (2008), among other books about stress management and Reiki, both in English and Spanish. She graduated as a Medical doctor in 1972 and practiced Medicine in her country of origin, Colombia, for 28 years (as a community doctor first and then as a psychotherapist). While working closely with underprivileged communities, she learned how fundamental lifestyle is, and especially nutrition, to maintain optimal health. In 1992, she was awarded a Master in Art Therapy from Concordia University (Canada). She is a Doctor of Education (EdD) from Nova Southeastern University. She has supported the creation of the Roots of Compassion and Kindness (ROCK) at the Florida Gulf Coast University and was its Advisory Committee Chair and offers courses in Compassionate parenting to parents and youngsters. 

As a psychotherapist, she observed that resolving emotional conflicts often led to the disappearance of her clients' physical symptoms, reaffirming her belief in the mind-body connection. After experiencing hands-on healing herself, she delved into quantum mechanics and vibrational medicine to understand phenomena beyond conventional medical explanations. She trained with Taoist masters, Jorge Carvajal M.D., who practiced bioenergetics and esoteric healing, and two REIKI Masters who guided her through the three levels of REIKI initiation.

After moving to Florida in 2000, she became a licensed Massage Therapist (In Florida, a prerequisite to practice Reiki), was certified in Psychophysical Integration (Trager Approach) and in Medical QiGong. She also became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida. Since 2000, she has taught REIKI, the therapeutic use of art, and movement to energize your body, among other seminars, around Florida. She has also become a Medical QiGong practitioner with the International Institute of Medical QiGong.

Silvia Casabianca supports an integrative approach to healing.

She also authored El fin de la Enfermedad. Otra visión del cuerpo humano (Colombia, 2005 and Spain, 2008), which is the Spanish version of Regaining Body Wisdom; Si el arco falla, la flecha no volará, a book on Adolescence as a second opportunity for ego maturation and the use of Art Therapy with adolescents (1997) and Stress management for Massage Therapists (also available in Spanish).

In her books, Silvia proposes a different approach to health and illness, looking at the intelligence of the body from a multidimensional perspective. Silvia Casabianca writes featured articles and columns for different local papers in the Southwest Florida area.

Silvia Casabianca hosts the BLOG TALK radio  REGAIN BODY WISDOM .

Contact her at (239) 948-9444 or info@silviacasabianca.com 

Click on the link below to watch her video: Heartminded: Conscious Evolution 




    Have you ever felt guilty over swallowing yet another pill to mask symptoms of a disease of injury?

    Have you ever wondered if there is a better approach to physical (or mental, or emotional, or spiritual) well-being than popping a pill?

    I belief that without a dynamic vision that understands the body's struggles and successes adapting to the environmental demands, all explanations about health and illness are at fault.

    This blog will expand on the ideas presented in my book REGAINING BODY WISDOM: A Multidimensional View. And you're welcome to participate with your questions, ideas, insights and suggestions.

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© Copyright 2006 Eyes Wide Open and Silvia Casabianca. All Rights Reserved. This website's content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, but only if used in a not-for-profit format. Otherwise, permission in writing from Silvia Casabianca is required.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is mostly based on personal opinions and experiences of Silvia Casabianca, unless otherwise noted. Advise offered is meant to help users take informed decisions and not to replace medical care by a qualified practitioner.

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Para comprar el libro EL FIN DE LA ENFERMEDAD.OTRA VISION DEL CUERPO HUMANO haga clic aqui.  

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