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If you're already a Reiki practitioner, you're welcome to attend my classes at no cost (your level and below), even if I have not been your Reiki Master. There is no one class alike any other. The students bring to each class a particular energy, mood, knowledge, that makes of each class a one of a kind retreat and learning experience. Classes are also a great opportunity to give and receive treatments.
For Massage Therapists, I have registered with the Florida Board of Massage (Eyes Wide Open is an approved provider) a 6 CEU REIKI TRADE DAY. Massage Therapists come and trade and they still get their CEUs paying only $25 as an administrative fee for the certificate and entering the credits on cebroker.com.
For both Massage Therapists and other Reiki practitioners:
If you want to receive a re-attunement during the class (which includes a brief yet powerful meditation and healing session), you pay $45. Please register in advance.
Reiki Level I Intensives go from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you're coming only for the 6-hr Trade Day, make sure you call in advance if there is space available and what hours should you be attending. Please bring your Reiki certificate with you.