Many authors and researchers in the past few decades have come to the conclusion that cancer treatment requires a multidimensional approach, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Among these is Dr. Carl Simonton, director of the Simonton Cancer Program in California who has summarized in 10 basic tenets the process required for patients to heal cancer. These tenets can be read visiting his website. Click her to go to Dr. Carl Simonton websiteThrough many years of study as an oncology radiotherapist, it came clear to Dr. Simonton that emotions "significantly influence health and recovery from disease."
But not only our emotions are a driving force in maintaing health and recovering from illness, it is also necessary to pay attention to our thoughts. What is in our mind determines our attitude and also has an impact in our mood. Moreover, our beliefs determine our lifestyle and there is enough research now to prove a direct relationship between our health, what we eat and the way we manage stress. Thus, our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and life-style, all have an impact on our health. But, could we live a conflict-free life? Isn't conflict a normal part of our lives? Can we live in a totally clean environment, eating only what is truly healthful? Indeed, there's not much we can do to change others or external circumstances that are out of our reach. But we can make changes in our life-style, do our best to resolve our emotional wounds, leave the past behind and shift our perspective to become less vulnerable to new conflicting situations. Mind-body connection in cancer patients may be clue to cureLove or fear - which will rule your life?German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer suffered from cancer a few months after his son was killed in a terrible accident. After studying his own case and many others, he concluded that disease (not just cancer) is the consequence of a traumatic experience that finds us totally unprepared and that we process in isolation. He demonstrated that this shock or trauma causes visible changes in our brain in areas that correspond to cancerous growths and other disturbances in specific sites of the body. He called this the iron rule of cancer.
From Hamer's point of view, illness or disease is not a meaningless mistake of the body, but an event that is the result of the body's effort to restore balance. Click here to go to the official English site for the German New MedicineASK YOUR DOCTOR
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