Returns Returns must be made within 30 days of purchase and must be accompanied by a an authorization number. The number is obtained by calling or emailing us at sales@silviacasabianca.com and serves as permission for the return. A 25% re-stocking fee may apply. Devoluciones se harán dentro de los 30 días después de su compra y deben ir acompañaas por un número de autorización. El número lo obtendrá a través de una llamada telefónica (toll free # 877-208-9422) o correo electrónico (sales@silviacasabianca.com). Es posible que se retenga un 25% por gastos incurridos en el proceso de compra y devolución. Discount The discount on our products only apply to orders processed through our website. It does not apply for faxed or phoned in orders. Los descuentos en nuestros productos sólo aplican a ordernes procesadas a través de nuestro portal. No aplica para órdenes procesadas a través de fax o llamada telefónica. Vendors Vendors sponsoring the Latin American Family Festival will be partially refunded (proportionally to the advertisement they have been included in) if we receive notice that they will not partiticpate, before the vendor's registration deadline. Otherwise, we will not refund the money paid. Los vendedores que patrocinan el Festival Latinoamericano de la Familia recibirán un reembolso parcial (proporcinal a la publicidad que recibieron) si recibimos noticia de que no pueden participar, antes de la fecha límite de registro. © Copyright 2006 Eyes Wide Open and Silvia Casabianca. All Rights Reserved. This website's content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, but only if used in a not-for-profit format. Otherwise, permission in writing from Silvia Casabianca is required. Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is mostly based on personal opinions and experiences of Silvia Casabianca, unless otherwise noted. Advise offered is meant to help users take informed decisions and not to replace medical care by a qualified practitioner. |