At Eyes Wide Open, we are deeply concerned to know that the country looses up to $300 billion each year due to absenteeism, reduced productivity and turnover. Statistics show that chronic pain, hypertension, and headaches are responsible for as much as 50% of absences, and 60-90% of all visits to healthcare professionals are stress-related. Corporations nationwide are hiring health coaches, developing fitness programs or implementing health education plans hoping that they can offset the ever-increasing health costs by keeping employees healthy and with tolerable levels of stress. Eyes Wide Open can contribute in helping you create a healthier, happier workplace. Eyes Wide Open, a wellness company based in Naples, FL, offers various corporate wellness programs and consulting/coaching services for the development of health strategies for your employees, which could be tailored to suit the needs of your company. A coach can work directly with employees who are at high risk or already suffer from chronic illnesses, such as obesity, hypertension or diabetes. The coach can contact employees to help them develop wellness plans, educate them about their conditions and encourage them to comply with treatment plans. You can also consider implementing family wellness plans since research has shown that involving the whole family make stress reducing strategies more effective. We, at Eyes Wide Open, feel that wellness program centered on stress-management have become a corporate need. It is easy to get started after your approval. Our programs will help increase productivity levels at the same time that you reward your hardworking employees. They will never forget the thoughtfulness of this gift. Click to know about our wellness programs to reduce stress Thank you for considering EYES WIDE OPEN for your corporate wellness needs! |