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Introduction to The Trager® Approach (8 CEUs)
Course # 20-385725
At Bonita Springs Schools
Oct 26, 2019 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Trager® Approach, developed by Milton Trager, MD combines mindful touch of Trager bodywork and the use of effortless, fluid self-care movements of Mentastics®.
By explanation, demonstration and participation (giving and receiving), you’ll learn how to use Trager principles (the foundation of the Trager Approach) both at the table and with movement exploration to enhance your client’s well-being (and yours).
Trager sessions facilitate the release of deep holding patterns and invite into profound feelings of peace, ease and comfort. You will find a whole new way to ‘move’ in your life and be with your clients!
Trager concepts can be easily incorporated into your current massage work, improving your level of presence and quality of your touch, enhancing your client’s recovery and healing processes.
Tragerwork has special applications to injury rehab, neurological and orthopedic conditions, fibromyalgia, arthritis and physical/emotional trauma.
An Introductory Workshop (and receiving at least 1 session from a Certified Trager Practitioner) is a prerequisite to start the professional certification training, which is taught in several levels.
Silvia Casabianca, LMT, LMHC, RM, CTP and Trager Intro Leader.
A former physician and university professor in Colombia, her country of origin, Silvia Casabianca became a Board Certified Professional Counselor and is licensed in Florida as a Mental Health Counselor (MH8349). When she came to Florida in 2000 she also became a licensed massage therapist, a state requisite to practice Reiki. She is also a Medical QiGong certified practitioner with the International Instute of Medical QiGong.
As a counselor she has been offering different treatment options, including Art Therapy, traumatic incident resolution, Reiki, psychophysical integration, mindfulness and psychodynamic psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families and groups in Bonita Springs, Naples and Fort Myers, Florida.