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REIKI III RETREAT June 22-24, 2018

This will be a weekend fully focused on your own spiritual journey, sharing, learning, and experiencing your connection with all that is. Participants will be immersed in their individual awareness process at the same time that they will have the opportunity to share their learning process and insights with the group.

This retreat is for both the novice and seasoned Reiki practitioner who seek inspiration, wisdom, relaxation and experience with Rei and Ki. An engaging community of lightworkers gather to share experiences and move ahead in these exciting days of spiritual transformation.

This year our retreat will take place in Bonita Springs, FL. Space is limited. To reserve and check on dates and details, please contact Silvia Casabianca at mail@silviacasabianca.com.


During this retreat a selected group of Reiki practitioners will become Reiki Masters.

Reiki III candidates will lead at least one of the activities during the retreat according to the schedule that will be provided. Requisites for Reiki III should have been met in order to receive the attunment.

Because of the nature of the retreat, amid of space constraints, and because we want to provide individualized attention, the retreat has limited seating. Confirmation of attendance (and your payment) is needed as soon as possible (unless otherwise has been arranged).

For those doing the retreat only, the fee is $88 and does not include lodging or meals. 

Some of the activities (Reiki giving and receiving, meditation) will count towards the Reiki III requirements if you  are already a Reiki II practitioner but are not taking the Reiki III attunement yet. The fee above does not include meals, lodging, Reiki training or attunements. Lodging is available for a nominal fee. Participants usually do grocery shopping together before the retreat. All meals will be vegetarian and preparing the food together will be part of the retreat activities.

A few students might be also taking level I or II during the retreat (Ask for the tuition fees)

Price $88.00